Author: Hggns
Blue Fox
Just to wrap up on my previous post on a series of sketches I’d been doing in the print studio. Here is the final version, at least for now, as I’m not sure how or whether to pursue the idea. I’m already working on a different thread, and you can get a preview of small…
Class Act
Stefan from the Tuesday morning Monotype class has been working with fields of color. This is one of his first abstracts from the workshop, and I like it because it has a very balanced color scheme ( the photo exposure may suggest a brown for the darkest swath; it’s actually a rich, wine-y red), simple…
New Work
I did get some video of Monday’s work session at Open Press, as well as Tuesday’s demo for Introduction to Monotypes at the Art Students League. I’m getting more familiar with iMovie, as evidenced by this 5 minute monster I did to promote my soccer supporters group friends. So I should have at least a…
Art Star
Took a break from my own projects to go watch a favorite Denver artist do a demo at the Art Students League of Denver. Homare Ikeda has done a lot of monotypes, which is why I often bump into him at Open Press. He’s also on the faculty at ASLD. Here he was doing a…
Hey Kids! Comics!
Blustery and frigid winter has made February its home here. We got a mild November and December, January could not make up its mind, but the last 2 weeks have been definitive, lock down winter. We even have snow, of which the Squish approves. I feel cheated when it’s frigid and brown. I love the…
State of the Squish
Room of Remembrance, Monotype, 15×22″ I’m going to wrap up a few odds and ends as I gear up for Spring. I’ve spent most of January spamming people. Or hopefully, bac’ning them. Bacn being the kind of spam that you voluntarily sign up for because you have a genuine interest in the subject matter. As…
Update: I love this time of year, as the days brighten a bit. It’s also a good time for a fresh start in the studio, and I plan on some sketchbook time with new ideas later. I’ll post some of these, as well as work from the end of 2010. But first, I’ll wrap up…
Cold ‘fusion
Winter finally did arrive here, 6-7 inches worth, along with the frigid local tradition known as “Stock Show Weather”, named after the National Western Stock Show. I don’t mind. We need the moisture; it’d been mostly 50’s with sun all through December- and I have a long list of computer projects to catch up on.…
Time for Schoolin’
The Tea Baggers are abandoning national priorities they are uniquely qualified to contribute to in favor of another battle in their ongoing war on the middle class and the American healthcare system. And why? Because they flunked American History, not to mention Civics. The holidays, for me, are the time of year for friends and…
Doesn’t Follow
I have to say, I crack myself up a little when I do this stuff, and am not totally convinced that anyone else really gets the joke. This is a ghost of a fairly experimental picture that I called “Incomplete Still Life”, which contained the distressed table and distorted perspective of a floor, or maybe…